Fear of change is subtle. It operates under the radar convincing you that it's there to protect you and keep you safe.
In reality, fear of change is one of the most common reasons for resistance to change because it stops you taking any action at all.Anxiety stops us taking action in our lives and makes us resist change by stirring up fears of what is not known.
While some anxiety is useful and can motivate us there are times when anxiety about something new can severely limit us.
Especially if there's uncertainty about the future.
High levels of anxiety are often brought about by
- rumours about change,
- self doubt,
- uncertainty,
- disregard for values
Identifying and addressing these issues as they affect you or others can reduce anxiety.
Often a good reality check can be very helpful too. Making time to find out if the rumours are true might relieve a lot of unnecessary anxiety, for example.
Find out more about fear of change and get insight into how it may be operating in your life, or in the lives of colleagues or groups at work. In most cases fear of change is responsible for any resistance to change you are experiencing.Mark Connelly - Change Management Coach, Business & Life Coach, Psychologist - Cape Town
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