Empower yourself for change

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Good Things Don't Go Away

Remember some of those 80's songs that keep coming back to haunt you? I do. I loved them when they were new, and I smile when I hear them being sung by new bands. It's just more evidence that they knew how to write good music back then. And then I listen to new songs today and wonder which of them will be around in 25 years time. Which of these modern artists will still be strutting their stuff in 25 years time?

I think it's a sign of good things if they don't go away. Music, people, movies... some just hang around while others fade. It's the good bottles of red wine that I struggle to hang on to though. They have a nasty knack of disappearing way too quickly!

I've been spending some time with someone who finds himself fitting into this category. I've taken some time off and revisited an old classic that's as popular and relevant now as it was 20 years ago. You'd never believe it, but The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is 20 years old this year. I dusted it off and found myself 'listening' to an old classic that's just as good today.

Stephen Covey is still the author. It hasn't been remade new-school style. It's still the same tune. And it sounds as good today as it did many years ago.

The main points made in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are the compass we need when we are going through change. Be it personal or organizational change.

I do find Stephen Covey quite difficult to read at times. He does tend to go into a lot of detail and then I lose concentration. So I summarised the importants bits for myself and then decided to give it away on my website. You're welcome to read it through here. Maybe you'll think about reading the book again yourself.

You should. It's full of wisdom.

The good things don't go away.

Mark Connelly - Change Managment Coach, Business & Life Coach, Psychologist - Cape Town

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