The message of Change, and the message of hope has been central to Obama's campaign. Just look at his website to get a glimpse of the power of this message.
Politicians promise change all the time - there's nothing new there. So from a political perspective we wait and allow American leaders the opportunity to create the change they talk about.
Giving people a reason to want change is a time honored technique in change management strategy. It's sometimes called the 'burning platform'. People will jump when there's good enough reason to do so. The George Bush era may have done this for many Americans. Anything is possible if we believe it is necessary.
Giving yourself a compelling reason is a great way to begin change. It helps put change into perspective. Start with a simple list. Draw 2 columns on a page. At the top of one column write "what I will gain if I make the change" and write a list of all the things you will gain from the change. At the top of the other column write "what I will lose if I don't make the change", and write that list. Make it painful. You must feel it.
Sometimes this is enough! Focusing on what you will gain from the change OR on what you stand to lose can be enough motivation. Personally I like to stick with the good stuff and be motivated by what I can gain.
Often though a "burning platform" can be just what we need to give us a push. What's your "burning platform"? Choose one or two points from your "what I will lose" list and set fire to them. NO! Not literally! Write them down and make another list, this time of the effects that losing this will have on you, your work life, your personal life, and the effect it will have on others. Are we getting hot?
So if you don't make a change and you stand to lose your car, the effects might include:
- Walking everywhere
- Relying on public transport
- Getting to work/meetings will be difficult; you'll be more stressed; even hot and smelly!
- You might be late for appointments; people may see you as unreliable; you could lose your job.
- No car for family shopping or family outings.
Mark Connelly - Change Management Coach, Life Coach, Psychologist - Cape Town
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